Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ashlyn's Story

I know that in one of my last posts i wrote a little about Ashlyn and her begining, but i would like to share the whole story, so as the memories fade and new ones take there place i will be able to share with her one day just how lucky and amazing she is. That life it just to precious. I wish i would have done this with Caiden. I will share his story as i remember it today in another post.
Here is Ashlyn's story:

Ashlyn had a very rough start to this life, She is a true miracle and a fighter. I found out i was pregnant with her in November 2010, after 4 month of trying we were so excited to know we would be adding to our family. We took a trip to the Bahamas in December and it was a nice way to celebrate. =) My morning sickness waited till the day we got back from out trip to kick in (Thank god) I saw the doctor for the first time at 8 weeks and man was i sick i mean bedridden sick. i couldn't keep anything down and i felt like death. I ended up having to quit my part time job i was so sick. But at my 8 week visit the baby looked great and had a strong heart beat. I was given some meds to try and help with the "all day sickness". I ended up losing almost 15lb cause i was so sick. Finally at about 16 weeks i started to feel human again. Everything was going good just trying to gain some weight back, and baby was healthy. This was an exciting time at 19 weeks we found out we were having a GIRL =) and her name would be Ashlyn Natalie Deaner. We were beyond excited, one boy and one girl a perfect mix. As Ashlyn would be our last child.
This excitement was all short lived, at 23 weeks we had a scare i was sent to the E.R. with some pretty bad contractions. They gave me some meds and were able to stop them. Then over the next month i came down with the stomach flu and an awful upper respiratory infection. I could not catch a break. gaining weight was becoming impossible for me. But Ashlyn was doing great and thats all that really mattered.

This is when things went from OK to really bad really quick. At 28 weeks i went in for a routine check up and the doctor noticed my belly was measuring super small. So he scheduled me for an ultrasound to check her growth. This ultrasound was done at 30 weeks and this is when the ceiling came crashing down around us. It was the same ultrasound tech i had had for all my other ultrasounds, so we were chatting while she was scanning. When she finished she asked me to stay and she would be right back. Something she had never done before. I was a little nervous but i thought since the doctor had order a special test she was just going to show him and then let us go. Didn't work out that way, she came back with the doctor who explained to me my baby wasn't growing and was very small for as far along as i was. I was then rushed to the hospital to meet with a Perinatologist to have more test done. Ashlyn had always been in the 30th percentile for growth and weight, but as the Perinatologist explained to me she had dropped to the 5th percentile in a matter of 2 weeks. After all the test he could not find the cause for her small size and diagnosed her with IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). I was given 2 steroid shots because they were sure the would have to deliver her in the next week or 2. I was to have twice weekly ultrasounds to check for movement, fluid levels, and breathing. Then every 2 weeks they would check her growth. At 32 weeks she had her first growth check since meeting with the Perinatologist. She had grown, she jumped from the 5th percentile to the 10th percentile. We were so happy she was measuring at 3lb 7oz.

She always passed her weekly ultrasounds with flying colors, things were looking up until my 34 week growth check. At this ultrasound she had completely stop growing. She was now in the 6th percentile. The doctor decided to give me more steroid shots and wait one more week and check her growth again. At my last and final growth ultrasound at 35 weeks there was no change and she had dropped to the 1 percentile. She was still measuring in at 3lb 7oz. The doctor decided enough was enough and i was once again rush to the hospital to have an emergency c-section. This was all happening so fast i didn't have time to process it all till i was sitting in the hospital were i lost it. I couldn't stop the tears.The unknown was soooo scary. I was so worried for my baby. Somethinga mother should NEVER have to go through.

Ashlyn Natalie Deaner was born on July 15, 2011 at 1:56pm not breathing, but a couple mins later when the doctor threatened her with a tube down her throat, by the grace of god she started breathing on her own. Hearing her first tiny cry will forever be etched in my mind and heart, I cried with her (tears of joy of course) She weighted in at 3lb 6oz and 16in. She was my tiny miracle.

She was rushed to the NICU. The hour i spent in recovery was probably the longest hour of my life. I had no clue what was going on. All i knew was Chris was with her. She had her daddy with her. When they finally wheeled me in to see her, all i saw was a perfect little girl, MY little girl. I didn't see all the wires and tubes. Oh and the fact that she was in a big plastic box. All i saw was a little girl that made it. She spent 12 long days in the NICU. She amazed the doctors with how strong she was. After 2 days she had all the i.v.'s removed. Now she just needed to gain a little weight and she could come home.

We learned while she was there that she had the cord wrapped around her neck twice (which in not completely abnormal) and had a "True" knot in her cord. They are not sure if this is what lead to her growth restriction.

Ashlyn Natalie Deaner came home July 26, 2011 weighing in at 3lb 13oz and as healthy as could be. She had no idea she was 5 weeks early and small. Today at 10 1/2 weeks she is 6lb 15oz and 19in. She is a growing girl =)

Just mins after birth

3lb 6oz

1 comment:

Ashley Teodosio said...

Awww this brought tears to my eyes. Such a precious little miracle.