Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ashlyn is ONE!!!

This post is coming 10 days late, but here it is.


I still can't believe my little girl is one already. This past year has been filled with so many emotions.
Ashlyn was born on July 15, 2011 at 1:56pm weighing in at 3lb 6oz and measuring only 16in. She was only 34weeks 5days in gestation. So tiny but yet so strong. She amazed all the doctors and only spent 12 days in NICU. On July 26, 2011 we got the OK from the doctors and we were on our way home.
 She is one amazing little girl, she didn't care what any of the specialist said she was going to do things on her own time. And that she did, while all the specialists were telling us our little girl was delayed, on her own schedule she proved them all wrong.

Ashlyn and her baby

Ashlyn is one sassy little girl, she knows what she wants and she will not take no for an answer. (which make my job a little tough) She now fights back when her brother tries to take something from her or push her away. She LOVES to dance. anytime music of any kind come on you can be sure you will see Ashlyn dancing. She is so snuggly, unlike Caiden she loves to be held and snuggled. I think she will be walking in the next month. She love to stand and walk behind anything she can push. She has come so far. It is hard to put in words how emotional these past 10 days have been. Just remembering everything we went through to get her to were she is today. Such a miracle baby and amazing little girl. Can't wait to see what the next year has in store for her.

We have her 12 month well child check up next week so i will keep you posted on her weight and height. I am guessing 16-17lb and about 27.5in. We shall see =)

1 comment:

Ashley Teodosio said...

She truly is amazing! What a cutie. :)