Sunday, August 12, 2012

Numbers 1-5

I have one smart 4 year old (just barley 4)! Today he wrote his numbers. 1 to 5 all by himself =)
So proud!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ashlyn's 12 month check up

Just a quick update!
Today we had Ashlyn's 12 month well child visit at our new pediatrician office.
Weight- 16lb 11oz
Height - 28in

Ashlyn has officially made it onto the charts, she is not in the 11 percentile for her height. Still in the negative for her weight. That's ok she will be tall and skinny. =)

We LOVE our new pediatrician, learned some things that can help with her development and feeding and also learned that this clinic likes to see their preemies more often (to keep an eye on development and weight) than her last doc did. Which i like A LOT!! 

She received 4 shots and was not a happy camper =(

But overall is one healthy little girl 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Another HUGE step!

Though a little late Ashlyn has always met her developmental milestone. The one thing that we have struggled with is feeding and the fact she will put NOTHING in her mouth on her own. We have done a little feeding therapy in the past with no success. This has been one area that has worried every one the most. What baby doesn't put toys in their mouth? Well today Ashlyn showed us she is on her own schedule and will do everything when she is ready. At 12 months she finally put a toy in her mouth. This is a HUGE step! So proud of my little girl.    

I was able to catch her in the act!